How To Hack Rediffmail Account 2013


This is how it is done: STEP 1- Log in to your own yahoo account. Note: Your account must be at least 30 days old for this to work. STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail To - yserveri@yahoo.comThis is a mailing address to the Yahoo Staff.

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You think you've taken all the right steps to protect your email account. However, despite your best efforts, it's been hacked. Your friends are texting and calling you, wondering if you're really. You're finding yourself locked out of your email account.

Now what do you do? Here are seven steps to keep you and your email contacts safe after your email account has been hijacked or otherwise compromised. Check your email provider's site for information. Most email providers like Yahoo, Google and Microsoft will have online instructions on what do to in case of an account takeover.

Yahoo Mail has a link entitled 'I can't access my account' on the front page; for Microsoft's, it's 'Can't access your account?' Google has separate sets of instructions for 'Compromised Gmail account' and 'Someone is sending from my address' in the Security & Privacy section under Help. Call your email provider to report the incident. 'If the website FAQ doesn't work for you, call the company directly and ask to speak to their tech department to find out what you should do,' said Adam Levin, former director of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs and the founder of and. You should also report the incident to your email provider's security team, Levin said.

'Do this as you're in the process of,' he said. 'It can help them find a pattern they can use with law enforcement to help find the people who are doing it — although the problem is usually the people who are doing it are 17 countries removed.' Alert family, friends and acquaintances. 'You should tell people that your email has been hacked and that they might be receiving emails from you asking for money or promoting certain products or services — but they weren't really from you,' Levin said. 'You also have to deliver the bad news,' he added.

'If, by some chance, they actually clicked on whatever the hackers sent, it is not inconceivable that.' Both you and all the persons who have received emails from your hijacked account should run malware scans, Levin said. Examine your personal email settings. Your email hijackers might have created from your email address to other addresses. Those other email addresses will receive everything you receive — including bank statements and personal messages.

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'Even if you get back in your email and straighten everything out, unbeknownst to you, it is forwarding every email you are sending and receiving to the hacker,' Levin said. Look at your email account's signature settings to be sure the hacker hasn't changed your automatic signature. 'Check to make sure you signature block hasn't become 'Hello Kitty,' Levin said. 'They might have put some malicious links in there as well.' Change your password and user ID.

'If you are one of those people who believes in a universal password and user ID, it is time to revise your beliefs,' Levin said. 'Change your password and user ID on all the other sites where you've used your email password and user ID — and use different ones for each site,' he said. 'You have to change them up. Make them and user IDs.' Look in your email folders. 'It's a wonderful, eye-opening experience' to look in your email folders, 'because you're going to see things you forgot you had in there,' Levin said.

'And when you see them,' he said, 'you will delete them and delete anything that leads to another site — and then change the user ID and password associated with those other sites.' Get serious about monitoring your other accounts. If your email account has been hijacked, you may find that a little paranoia is a good thing, Levin said. 'That means look at your credit reports, go to sites where you can get your credit scores for free, and where you can go back every 30 days or so, and make sure there is no change — especially a negative change — in your score,' Levin said.

'Look at your bank accounts, your credit card accounts, a couple minutes a day,' he added. 'If you're really worried, then you should enroll in more sophisticated credit- and fraud-monitoring programs. 'You should also check with your insurance company, bank, credit union and employer to see if they have a program available that you may already be enrolled in, or that you can spend a few dollars and enroll in,' Levin said. 'You decide whether it's worth it or not.' Follow us, on and on.

Yahoo has suffered another hack. The company disclosed today that it has discovered a breach of more than one billion user accounts that occurred in August 2013. The breach is believed to be separate and distinct from the theft of data from that Yahoo reported this September. Troublingly, Yahoo’s chief information security officer Bob Lord says that the company hasn’t been able to determine how the data from the one billion accounts was stolen. “We have not been able to identify the intrusion associated with this theft,” Lord wrote in a announcing the hack. “The stolen user account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (using MD5) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers,” Lord added.


Yahoo was alerted to the massive breach by law enforcement and has examined the data with the help of outside forensic experts. The data does not appear to include payment details or plaintext passwords, but it’s still bad news for Yahoo account holders. The hashing algorithm MD5 is no longer considered secure and MD5 hashes can easily be looked up online to discover the passwords they hide. Yahoo says it is notifying the account holders affected in the breach. Affected users will be required to change their passwords.

Yahoo also announced today that its proprietary code had been accessed by a hacker, who used the code to forge cookies that could be used to access accounts without a password. “The outside forensic experts have identified user accounts for which they believe forged cookies were taken or used. We are notifying the affected account holders, and have invalidated the forged cookies,” Lord said, adding that he believed the attack was launched by a state-sponsored actor. Today’s revelations add to Yahoo’s long string of security problems. Yahoo employees that led to the theft of data from 500 million users as early as 2014, but the company did not announce the breach until this September. What Yahoo executives knew about the breach, and when they knew it, have been crucial questions in Verizon’s ongoing acquisition of Yahoo.

Yahoo did not disclose the first breach until several months after the deal was announced. Related Articles in July for $4.83 billion, and Yahoo’s security incidents have led to speculation that Verizon might ask for a $1 billion discount on the company.

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“As we’ve said all along, we will evaluate the situation as Yahoo continues its investigation,” a Verizon spokesperson said today. “We will review the impact of this new development before reaching any final conclusions.” (Disclosure: Verizon owns AOL, which is the parent company of TechCrunch.) Yahoo also faced scrutiny over its security practices in October, when Reuters reported that the company had in early 2015 at the behest of a U.S. Intelligence agency.

Yahoo’s general counsel Ron Bell Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to provide the public with more clarity about the email scanning program. Featured Image: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch.

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