Frontpage Slideshow V2 Rapidshare Downloads


Elegant Epic Opener 3D is useful for: Elegant Opener, Intro, Logo Reveal, Epic Opener, Presentation, Trailer, Movie Opener, Cinema Opener and others. It’s a great project that will allow you to create productions with a unique atmosphere. Features:. Full HD Resolution 1920×1080. #Title:Wallpaper.Slideshow.Pro.v2.4.3.Incl.Keygen-NOY keygen #Tags:wallpaper,slideshow,pro,incl,keygen,noy. Frontpage Slideshow - Version: 2.0: Redesigned the whole slideshow, it now has responsive design among the other changes. Added new slideshow library - Flexslider by WooThemes. Added configuration options via admin panel such as speed, caption and more. Updated to latest jQuery version ( 1.9.1 ).

Cash - July 2007 Musemix - October 2007 Webarena - November 2007 Live estate - September 2007 Senses - June 2007 Infogate - August 2007 TechBox - May 2007 Festive - December 2007 Okto - January 2008 Landscape - February 2008 Corez - March 2008 Ingeno - April 2008 Ecom - May 2008 Focus - June 2008 Travel In - July 2008 Easygate - August 2008 adHome - September 2008 TeraHost - October 2008 Believe - November 2008 EMercantilism is designed around VirtueMart but can be used on any Joomla website. The template includes an amped up lytebox which makes every product detail 'View Full-Size Image' link open the larger image up in a lytebox.

Two new modules 'S5 Quick View Cart' and 'S5 Column Cart' are included. Each of these modules is a modified version of the VirtueMart cart with the main goal of creating a better user experience. Go ahead and add some items to your cart to demo the new modules. The template has 19 modules positions and 14 different module styles.

Note: Joomla 1.0+ and 1.5 Versions available Features:. 100% tableless CSS. Validates with XHTML. Validates with CSS. Joomla 1.5 compatible. Joomla 1.0+ compatible.

19 module positions. 14 modules styles. PSDs included. Fully collapsible module positions. S5 Effects scripts power: No-MooMenu and S5 Box. Lytebox enabled. NEW!

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- Virtuemart Lytebox enabled. 2 Menu systems: No-MooMenu or Suckerfish. Transparent Header Design: You chose just choose the header background image. Compatible with the following browsers: # IE6 # IE7 # Firefox 1.5+ # Opera 9+ # Safari # Netscape # Advant Pass: The Beauty In Design and beautiful template 7 CD 1830MB Tutorial Videos of:.VOl A Joomla!

For Beginners.VOl B Building a CSS Template for JOOMLA.VOl C Increasing User Experience with Javascript.VOl D Joomla Optimization.VOl E Template Migration for Joomla Tutorial Series.VOl F MooTools for the Rest of Us.VOl G Remaining Collection BEAUTY IN DESIGN COURSES OUTLINE: A. For Beginners 01. Introduction 02. Downloading Joomla! Creating your Database 04.

Uploading Joomla! To your site 05. Installing and Configuring Joomla! A Walk around the Front End 07. It's all about Content 08. The Back End - Administrator 09.

Creating Sections 10. Creating Categories 11. Creating Content Items 12. Linking to Menus 13. Installing 14. Worked Example - An online shop 15. Worked Example - A membership site 16.

Worked Example - A magazine 17. Support and Conclusion B.

Building a CSS Template for JOOMLA 1. Lesson One – Slicing a Photoshop Image. Planning the Layout. Slicing Images. Naming Slices. Saving for the Web 2. Lesson Two – Creating the Foundation.

Files and Folders. Linking the CSS into the PHP Document. Getting Setup in Style Master.

Creating the DIV tags 3. Lesson Three – CSS Layout I. Styling the Body.

Styling the Container. Styling the Header 4. Lesson Four – CSS Layout II. Styling the content DIV. Working through browser bugs 5. Lesson Five – Finishing up and JOOMLA Integration. Install JOOMLA Plug-in from.

Placing the Header Code. Placing the Content Code. Prepare the XML file. Zip and Upload C.

Increasing User Experience with Javascript 1. Introduction. Overview of the series. Showcasing the javascript effects 2. Lesson Two - De-Cluttering the Membership Page.

Attaching scripts. Considering MooTools as a solution to a cluttered layout. Using the Fx.Styles of Mootools to change element properties 3.

Lesson Three - Using MooTabs to Condense Related Products. Understanding how MooTabs works. Implementing MooTabs to condense the related products of a shopping cart 4. Lesson Four - Using a MooTools 'Light Box' to Create a Friendly Gallery. Understanding the problem with the existing gallery. Fixing the gallery with the MooTools Light Box 5.

Lesson Five - Using Fx.Styles to Control Font Size. Selecting an area to change.

Implementing Fx.Styles to change fonts 6. Lesson Six - Creating a Sliding Sub Menu with MooTools. Analyzing the main menu and sub-menu for implementation. Implement some simple MooTools effects to reveal sub-links 7. Lesson Seven - Implementing Reflection Javascript for Images. Downloading and using reflection.js for images 8.

Lesson Eight - Creating a Sliding Image Menu. Understanding how the Sliding Image Menu works.

Implementing the Sliding Image Menu 9. Lesson Nine - Using AJAX with the Sliding Image Menu. Creating an updated area for changing content.

Implementing AJAX links with the Sliding Image Menu D. Joomla Optimization 1. Lesson One - Validation.CSS Validation.XHTML Validation.Correcting incorrect markup 2.

Lesson Two - Improving Module Output.Different types of module output options.Optimizing the template (continued from the JOOMLA Template Series) 3. Lesson Three - Improving JOOMLA Accessibility.Better font usage.Using CSS compression to better file sizes 4. Lesson Four - Using ARTIO SEF Component.Getting JOOMLA ready for better URL's.Around ARTIO E. Template Migration for Joomla Tutorial Series 1. Lesson One - Introduction and Re-Ordering the File Structure. Introduction to the Template. Moving the template files to the correct location for Joomla 2.

Lesson Two - Optimizing the Template. The Dreamweaver extension from Inserting the php tags, header code, and various other code 3. Lesson Three - The Template Details XML File. How the templatedetails.xml works.

Assigning files, images, css, etc. Lesson Four - Re-naming and Styling the Main Menu. Understanding how the Main Menu is styled. Re-assigning existing menu styles with the Joomla selectors 5.

Lesson Five - Migrating Styles for Use with Modules. Latest news module changes.

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Main menu module stylings in other positions 6. Lesson Six - Custom Module Styling Using Class Suffixes. Styling the Newsflash module similar to the static template Using class suffixes in Joomla 7. Lesson Seven - Styling Various Joomla Elements.

Style matching the titles, paragraphs, etc. In the template. News component styling F. MooTools for the Rest of Us 1. Lesson One - Ideas and Resources. The Purpose and Format of this series.

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Where to get ideas from/documentation. Getting MooTools 2. Lesson Two - Setting up the Document. Javascript insertion.

Testing out an effect 3. Lesson Three - Creating a 'Drag & Resize'-able Window.

Finding ideas. Implementing an idea. Duplicating several windows 4. Lesson Four - Opacity Fades for various windows.

Recognizing windows to fade. Implementing the code.

Custom Options 5. Lesson Five - Using Moo.Ajax for the JoomlaOS Template. Some benefits. Creating an Ajax link for the JoomlaOS Template G.Remaining Collection BEAUTY IN DESIGN Link down: A.

For Beginners. Capture the moment with this great new template from GavickPro! Simple, yet beautifully eleglant, The Moment features two drop-down panels, and twelve module positions to provide the umatched flexibility present in every GavickPro template. Modern websites of today are constantly being updated with bigger and better designs that ever before, and now is your chance to stand out and be counted. Incorporating the lastest PhotoSlide module, and compatible with both Joomla 1.0 and 1.5, your choice is clear.

component PhotoSlide with module News Image. tableless design and 100% css based. 3 layout options: 3 columns (inset+right+mainbody), 2 columns (right or inset+ mainbody), 1 column (mainbody). All 12 modules are fully collapsible. 4 module variations built in. Build support for News Show II module.

IE PNGFix Built In. Impressive built-in content style. GK The Moment - March 08 JoomlaTemplate 1.88 Mb or or or Size: 6.3 Mb NOTE: 1. This component needs ioncube to be installed on your server.

Do NOT install the License manager JoomlaWorks 'Frontpage SlideShow' is the most eye-candy way to display your featured articles, stories or products in your Joomla! Website, like, Joost, Yahoo! Movies, Empire Magazine or CNet do.

The 'Frontpage SlideShow' creates an uber-cool slideshow with text snippets laying on top of images. These 'slides' are being rotated one after the other with a nice fade effect.

The slideshow features navigation (either numbers or image thumbnails - check available templates) and play/pause buttons, so the visitor has complete control over the slideshow's 'playback'! Many popular websites feature similar implementations, see for yourself. Code: takes Joomla! Content presentation one step further with this new component/module combo!

Spice up your site's frontpage by assigning existing content items, menu items or custom text to images that you upload through the component or browse directly on your server! The component can be controlled from both the Frontend and the Backend, so you can even have your publishers uploading and maintaining your 'Top Stories' or 'Featured Products'!

The component's admin user interface is very clean and easy to learn. Additionally, the styling of the module which displays the slideshow, is entirely CSS based. That means you have full control over the layout of the slideshow and you can easily style it to suit your needs. Which means that the layout options are literally limited only by your imagination. 'Frontpage SlideShow' uses unobtrusive Javascript in its core (no Flash here, at all!), which makes it very easy to customize and integrate in any design and offers SEO capabilities that flash-based alternatives simply cannot match! No other website will ever share the same looks as yours!

Code: Info: The Joomlatwork cache component is now also available for Mambo 4.6.x, Joomla 1.0.x series and the Joomla 1.5.x We are proud to release the new 3.0 release of the cache component. The cache component is now also available for Joomla 1.5 and Mambo 4.6.x. The 3.0 release is build from scratch again based on an own code base and libraries and is available for Mambo and Joomla websites Version 1.0b of the cache component is still available for Joomla 1.0x serie only or higher. ESyndiCat is a professional, affordable directory software solution.

With a large and highly customisable set of key features coupled with a standards compliant interface, eSyndiCat Directory Software has been choosen by thousands of webmasters all over the world. It is no wonder why eSyndiCat is one of the most popular directory scripts. ESyndiCat is a full featured software that can be used as an addition to your existing site or as a stand-alone platform. ESyndiCat key features include:.

Template driven interface. Language system. Custom listings fields. Sponsored, featured listings.

Extensive admin control panel. Unlimited number of categories and listings.

Flexible plugin system A Free download to build Joomla websites (Legacy and Native) faster from your desktop PC. Accelerate content creation for both beginners and advanced users that want to go beyond the limitations of Joomla.

Sync all your work from desktop to your website. Quick one-click login. Manage menu items and content at the same time. Drag and Drop support for images and menu items.

Edit your entire website at desktop speed. Work offline.

Auto-updates when new releases are available. Compatable with Windows XP & Vista 32bit and 64bit versions. Works on MAC OS X using Paralels. INSTALLATION: (1) Unzip zip file to your PC (2) Upload and Install as a plugin in Joomla 1.5+ and publish.

(3) Set Enable Web Services to 'Yes' on your Joomla website backend Site - Global Configuration - System (4) Launch setup.exe from the package you unzipped. (5) Follow the on screen wizard instructions for registration.

Enjoy your FREE copy. New template released named Real Estate Company. This template has an integrated mooImageFader with a smooth scroll in title panel.

With 10 collapsable modulepositions you have a lot of possibilities to publish your own modules. Also an integrated dropdown menu is already installed and no need configure. To change the images and title of the mooImageFader you need to edit the config.php file. Easy customization is given with these options.

Download this template to get in touch with a new JM Template. To view the whole features, please visit our live demo HERE. An Overview of Real Estate Company's features:.

Elegant and Professional Design. A Professional Content Presentation: fading header changer with title sliding. 3 column layout based template. Clear, clean and high accessiblity layout. Tableless design and 100% CSS-based. JM Suckerfish menu.

XHTML 1.0 Transitional. CSS Validates. Valid 508 Accessibility. Delivered with source.PSD. Cross Browser Support Joomla Templates Collection 514 MB

Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Aqualine-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Aqualine.Reloaded-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Element-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast.Black-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast.Blue-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast.Green-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast.Mint-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Lightfast.Red-NiGHTNiNG Joomlashack.Joomla.Template.Rubicon-NiGHTNiNG. For Rational Magic, we decided to include a couple of simple additions that would make your life easier. Simple Feed Module Ever wanted to display a rss module, but did not know how to customize the default joomla syndicate module? Well, we have taken the concept and run with it. With our Simple Feed module, you can now add your own 'pre text', customize the link text, customize whether to pull the rss feed from Joomla! Or MyBlog and if choosing Joomla! You can specify what type of feed you would like to syndicate.

All this without digging in a single line of code! Simple company contact Module A simple yet effective module that allows your company to have a contact blurb. Save space and use this module for easy and quick contact info. Features Summary:.

Out of box install. 5 different menu choices, SuckerFish, SuperFish, Dropline, Module and Split. Compressed CSS.

8 Normal and 5 Intelli Module Positions which are capable of expanding to 30 module positions. Fully XHTML and CSS Validated and Compliant. Multiple layout options. Detailed style guide.

Semantic markup / separation of presentation and content. Comprehensive setup guide. Fireworks source included. Fully collapsible module positions.

Tatami ready. Fully compatible IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+ (mac +win), Opera.

For Rational Magic, we decided to include a couple of simple additions that would make your life easier. Simple Feed Module Ever wanted to display a rss module, but did not know how to customize the default joomla syndicate module? Well, we have taken the concept and run with it. With our Simple Feed module, you can now add your own 'pre text', customize the link text, customize whether to pull the rss feed from Joomla! Or MyBlog and if choosing Joomla! You can specify what type of feed you would like to syndicate. All this without digging in a single line of code!

Simple company contact Module A simple yet effective module that allows your company to have a contact blurb. Save space and use this module for easy and quick contact info. Features Summary:. Out of box install.

5 different menu choices, SuckerFish, SuperFish, Dropline, Module and Split. Compressed CSS.

8 Normal and 5 Intelli Module Positions which are capable of expanding to 30 module positions. Fully XHTML and CSS Validated and Compliant. Multiple layout options. Detailed style guide.

Semantic markup / separation of presentation and content. Comprehensive setup guide.

Fireworks source included. Fully collapsible module positions. Tatami ready. Fully compatible IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+ (mac +win), Opera. A variation of the popular RocketTheme Dimensions template, the Dimensions Call of Duty 4 mod gives you a stylish design with plenty of Call of Duty 4 flavour. Use this mod for your own Call of Duty 4 fansite, or use it as a starting point for your own template mod to create anything you want. This mod features the same easy background image and accent color changing abilities as the regular Dimensions template.

Call of Duty 4 Dimensions Mod A few key features of this template are as follows:. Joomla 1.0.x / 1.5 RC3 compatible. Easy color and background modification.

Dynamic time based style changes. Incredible new tabbed module system. 15 module positions. All module positions are fully collapsible. XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Mozilla/Firefox 1.0+/IE 6/IE 7/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly.

A variation of the popular RocketTheme Dimensions template, the Dimensions Call of Duty 4 mod gives you a stylish design with plenty of Call of Duty 4 flavour. Use this mod for your own Call of Duty 4 fansite, or use it as a starting point for your own template mod to create anything you want. This mod features the same easy background image and accent color changing abilities as the regular Dimensions template. Call of Duty 4 Dimensions Mod A few key features of this template are as follows:. Joomla 1.0.x / 1.5 RC3 compatible. Easy color and background modification. Dynamic time based style changes.

Incredible new tabbed module system. 15 module positions. All module positions are fully collapsible. XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Mozilla/Firefox 1.0+/IE 6/IE 7/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly.

The Vista Buttons add-in for Expression Web and Frontpage allows you to create powerful dropdown menu menus, directly in Expression Web, FrontPage 2000 (version 9), Microsoft FrontPage 2002 (version 10), Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 (version 11). Fully customizable appearance! Use one of the 500+ web buttons, 100 submenu designs, 6600+ icons, 50 ready-made samples, or create your own using the theme editor. With support for custom images, icons, colors, font styles, the possibilities are limitless. You'll create really nice looking website html menus and html buttons with little or no design skills at all!

Create, insert, modify a website menu without leaving your favorite web development environment! Menu, Button, and Icon CollectionExpression Web Menu provides huge collection of 1400 web buttons, 6600 icons, 300 ready-made samples, so you'll create really nice looking menus and buttons with little or nodesign skills at all! Web 2.0, Mac, iPhone, Aqua buttons, Vista, XP, transparent, round, glossy, metallic, 3d, tab menus, drop down menus will be a breeze! Button and Icon Samples. Features Easy to Use With Vista Web Buttons clear and comprehensible interface, you need just 4 simple steps to get your web buttons or html menu ready and if you use a pre-designed sample as a base you'll end up even faster! Rounded Corner Image Expression Blend Save project.

Save your image buttons as html You can save current project in the project file (.xwb) or into the HTML file (.html). Master Submenu Mouse Expression Template Fully Customizable Every button or menu parameter can be easily customized in Expression Web Menu to fit your web site design and your needs. Create your very own html menus, as simple or as complex as you want! Web Expressions Li Menu Intitle Index Of Frontpage Slideshow Css Drop Down Menus Create drop down menus based on css using Expression Web Menu.

Make various styles for each submenu item adjusting css styles. Fonts, Borders and Background Colors Use any necessary font of any color, size and font decoration for normal and mouseover state. Create any available type, thickness and color of a menu's frame. Choose any color for backgrounds of submenus and items. Text-based menu You can create a menu with text-based top items. Such menu will be loaded more quickly on your website (in comparison with image-based navigation). Menu structure is comprised of HTML nested UL and LI tags.

Standards compliant menu structure is simple to customize and update. How to use Vista Buttons with FrontPage To install the dropdown menu into your html page you should do the following things: 1). Create and save your buttons in any temp folder using Vista Buttons application. You canuse 'Save as HTML' function. You can enter any name you like, for example enter 'menu': So you'll have menu.html file and 'menu-files' folder with all menu files. You can add javascript dropdown menu to a single page or to many pages using Shared Borders, Include Page or Dynamic Web Template so that you won't have to add it into each page separately. Insert a dropdown menu to a single page in FrontPage - Start FrontPage and open the web page that you will be inserting the script into.

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When the page opens, it should look like this: - Open the generated in Vista Buttons menu.htmlpage in any text editor. Copy all code within the following tags:

It helps you add the menu code in the correct place. We have decided to place it at the top of the page. Click in the spot you want the code to appear in and type the phrase: your code here - We will now be inserting the JavaScript code into the body section right where we typed the phrase in the previous step. To do this, switch to HTML View. Go to the 'Edit Menu' with FrontPage and select the 'Paste' option to paste the menu code that we copied to the clipboard earlier.

Since the phrase we typed was highlighted, it will be replaced when we paste the code in. Now you should copy the 'menu-files' folder into the same folder with your index.html page. Notice that in the Design mode your menu may be displayed not in the proper way.

It is normal. You should view the menu in the Preview mode. That's all. You've added all necessary code to your page, so let's test it. Select the Preview mode to display the page live (in Internet Explorer). If everything goes well, save your document and upload it and the 'menu-files' folder to your web site.

If something seems wrong, double-check that you followed all the steps correctly. If you still run into trouble, we'd be happy to assist you further. You can post your problem to us at, and meanwhile describe your files in details. See also Intitle Index Of Frontpage Slideshow Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Since the version 2.79 Expression Web Menu supports the multilanguage user interface.

Intitle Index Of Avi The Transformers.

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