Astrosat 8000 Hd Software


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The Sentinel satellite constellation and the ground stations of Europe's Copernicus program deliver huge amounts of data regarding Earth every day. In addition to supporting long-term studies of climates and environments, they provide rapid access to aerial overviews in the event of sudden floods, forest fires, and other natural disasters. Thanks to new developments in big data, cloud computing, and other areas, commercial applications and other products in many sectors of the economy are growing more and more proficient at handling huge quantities of information. Monitoring Earth from the International Space Station (ISS) The ISS, which circles our planet 16 times every day in LEO, presents an exciting complement to satellite data.

Its flyover frequency opens the door to a range of intriguing opportunities for innovative services in commercial Earth observation. Meanwhile, the instrument platform MUSES (Multiple User System for Earth Sensing) from Teledyne Brown was installed on the ISS in 2015. With a surface area of 85 by 85 centimeters, MUSES has space for up to four instruments, including high-resolution digital cameras, hyperspectral image sensors, and many other types of Earth observation equipment. The regular supply missions conducted to the ISS offer a reliable alternative to securing launch capacity, which is currently very much in demand. This makes it possible to switch out the instruments on the ISS when required and install ongoing technical innovations - an option not available with other satellites. In combination with Copernicus data, this equipment facilitates the development of brand-new and tailored Earth observation services that were previously infeasible due to the cost of designing and launching a satellite with new instruments. Canadian Startup Helps Produce World's First Selfie from Space.

Canada's UrtheCast, the startup that won the T-Systems Challenge of the Copernicus Masters 2011, has been one of the pioneers in leveraging the commercial synergies between satellite data and the instruments on board the ISS. The company's own ultra-HD cameras have been installed on the ISS, where they see use in monitoring environmental protection efforts, humanitarian aid, social events, agriculture, and many other areas. The resulting high-resolution images and videos are also provided to developers along with analytical tools. Recently, UrtheCast announced its acquisition of the Earth observation business Deimos, which included the Deimos-1 and -2 satellites. For the premiere of the latest James Bond film, Spectre, Heineken® also used UrtheCast's cameras to take the world's first selfie from space as part of an advertising campaign.

Astrosat 8000 Hd Software

Prizes await the best new business models for the combined use of data The sixth edition of Copernicus Masters, the world's biggest international competition in the commercial use of Earth observation data, is now looking for outstanding ideas, applications, and business concepts that make use of such data in everyday life. Renowned partners are sponsoring prizes in seven topic-specific challenges. Along with cash prizes, the winners will receive access to a leading international network, corresponding data, startup funding, and other support valued at more than EUR 300,000 in total.

Visionary teams and individuals from the realms of business, research, and higher education now have the chance to write their own chapter of the Copernicus Masters success story. Astrosat End-to-End EO Challenge. Scotland's Astrosat Ltd. And its strategic partner, Teledyne Brown, have the unique opportunity to install new and innovative Earth observation sensors on the ISS's MUSES platform on a regular basis. ' In the Astrosat End-to-End EO Challenge, we're searching for exciting new applications for Earth observation services that are based on the use of custom sensors on the ISS in tandem with the datasets Copernicus provides,' said Steve Lee, founder and CEO of Astrosat. ' We want to encourage participants to be as creative as possible while still submitting business models with a solid basis in reality. We're particularly interested in solutions designed to support disaster aid or the economic advancement of end users in developing countries in Asia.'

AZO has been organising the Copernicus Masters competition on behalf of ESA since 2011. By leveraging its extensive experience as a specialist in building and maintaining global innovation networks and organising related competitions, AZO supports product innovations and the creation of new companies, particularly in the field of commercial aerospace applications. Satisfy Your Appetites For Smallsat Knowledge Attend The SmallSat Symposium—Silicon Valley 2017 Tuesday, February 7th — Wednesday, February 8th Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California. The Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. This incomparable event will be held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, a perfect location for the technology-rich environs of the smallsat worlds. Listed below are the sessions already planned for the SmallSat Symposium.

For information regarding the various workshops, please select this direct link. To learn more about the individual speakers who have already committed to the SmallSat Symposium—Silicon Valley 2016, access this direct link. Day 1 — Tuesday February 7th, 2017 7:00 a.m. Registration Opens Breakfast Snacks 8:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker TBD 8:45 a.m. The State of the Small Satellite Industry Today's small satellite industry demands sound business and financial practices. How do we best cultivate dependable practices?

Panelists explore the various types of small satellites (Nano, Pico, Cube, Etc.), their leading applications, as well as trending uses in each subset. How do we define the small satellite marketplace and what is its size? How much new growth can come from small satellites and which segments and markets represent the greatest opportunities? What “traditional” types of capacity and services are changed by the growth in small satellites? Importantly, how do small satellites affect the satellite market as a whole?. Moderator: Randy Segal, Partner, Hogan Lovells.

Speaker: Debra Facktor Lepore, VP and GM of Strategic Operations, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Speaker: Carissa Christensen, Managing Partner, The Tauri Group. Speaker: Dr. Steve Goldberg, CEO and Co-Founder, Venrock. Speaker: Carlos Niederstrasser, Business Development & Special Initiatives, Orbital ATK.

Speaker: TBD 10:00 a.m. Networking & Refreshment Break 10:30 a.m. Financing Small Satellite Operations Investment in small satellite ventures originates from a variety of avenues including angel investors, venture funds, private equity firms, corporations, commercial banks and public markets. How do the varying demands of each of these financiers affect small satellite operations and planning? What are their expected returns and financing terms? What are the most important criteria investors look for in choosing ventures to fund?

How much of a role does private equity activity and debt financing play in funding SmallSat operations and what effect does this have on management behavior? Panelists will discuss how different types of investors perceive the small satellite industry.

Moderator: Dara Panahy, Partner, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy. Speaker: Chris Boshuizen, Principle, Data Collective VC. Speaker: Mike Collett, Founder and Managing Partner, Promus Ventures. Speaker: Dr. Shahin Farshchi, Partner, Lux Capital.

Speaker: Chris Lewicki, President and Chief Engineer, Planetary Resources. Speaker: TBD 11:30 a.m. Launch Provider Roundtable – Efficiency, Risk & Trends Launching any satellite is inherently a risky and expensive business.

Multiple new launch options are being created that offer opportunity to minimize risk and reduce costs. Executives from commercial launch service providers will share their views on current market trends and on their strategies to deliver the most adapted solutions for the launch of small satellites. How will new innovations, launch availability, changes in satellite designs and durability in small satellite design alter the future of the launch sector?

What is the impact of re-usable engines on future launch costs? Which propellants, engines, components and new technologies are the launch sector investing in? What are the game changers? Panelists will discuss strategies for funding launch operations and the time it takes to book a flight.

Moderator: Louis Zacharilla, Director of Development, Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI). Speaker: Clayton Mowry, President, Arianespace. Speaker: Will Pomerantz, Vice President for Special Projects, Virgin Galactic.

Speaker: Dr. George Sowers, VP of Advanced Programs, United Launch Alliance - ULA.

Speaker: TBD 12:30 p.m. Lunch 2:00 p.m.

Ground Systems Economics Architecture As hundreds of new small satellites are launched ground systems must keep pace to track and communicate with them. What will be the increasing demands for these systems, as well as new autonomous onboard TT&C developments mean for the ground system market? What are the most important criteria in selecting ground system architecture for small satellites? What current and recent trends might change market dynamics in the future?. Moderator: David Hartshorn, Secretary General, GVF - Global VSAT Forum. Speaker: Jason Andrews, CEO, Spaceflight Industries.

Speaker: Stuart Daughtridge, Vice President of Advance Technology, Kratos Technology and Training Solutions. Speaker: Tom Perrone, Senior VP for Strategy and Sustainable Business, SSC. Speaker: Chris Richins, CEO, RBC Signals. Speaker: Stig-Ar Thrana, U.S.

Sales Director and Head of Kongsberg Silicon Valley Office, Kongsberg Satellite Services. Speaker: Tony Wilkey, Senior Vice President, AvL Technologies 3:15 p.m.

Pricing and Marketing SmallSat Services Disruptive innovations create new markets. Business development executives will present their views on market opportunities and where to sell the multitude of products that have resulted from the SmallSat revolution? The collision of finance and technology has produced both turbulent markets and spectacular innovations.

Who has bought, who will buy, and what will they pay? More importantly, how should products be priced to maximize revenue?. Speaker: Chris Baugh, President, Northern Sky Research. Speaker: Dave Anhalt, Vice President and General Manager, Iridium Prime. Speaker: Daniel Lim, President & CEO, Xtenti, LLC.

Speaker: TBD. Speaker: TBD.

Speaker: TBD 4:15 p.m. Networking & Refreshment Break 4:45 p.m. Cost Savings in Small Satellite Alternatives How do small satellite alternatives compare to older technologies? Panelists will discuss foremost applications where cost savings are changing paradigms. The focus will be on different development models, prototypes and early operations including the overall positioning, level of vertical integration and cooperation with other industry stakeholders.

Also under discussion will be budgetary considerations unique to the small satellite platform. Moderator: John P.

Janka, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP. Speaker: Craig Clark, Founder, Clyde Space Ltd. Speaker: Randy Culver, CEO, AMERGINT Technologies. Speaker: Dr. Joe Thurgood, Vice President Corporate Development and Marketing, Hera Systems. Speaker: Dr. Marco Villa, President & COO, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems.

Speaker: TBD 5:45 p.m. Wine & Hors d'Oeuvres Reception Day 2 — Wednesday February 8th, 2017 7:00 a.m. Registration Breakfast Snacks 8:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker Professor Sir Martin Sweeting, Founder and Executive Chairman, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Sir Martin has a BSc in electronics and PhD in radio engineering from the University of Surrey (UK) and is the founder and Executive Chairman of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Following two experimental ‘microsatellites’ built by his research team at the University of Surrey and launched in 1981 & 1984, he pioneered rapid-response, low-cost and highly-capable small satellites using modern consumer electronics to ‘change the economics of space’ and has established the UK at the forefront of this new field. Sir Martin also chairs the Surrey Space Centre comprising around 100 researchers investigating advanced small satellite concepts and techniques and which acts as the research laboratory for SSTL – an exemplar of real academic-commercial synergy.

The SSC collaborated with SSTL on the world’s first ‘smartphone’ nanosatellite, STRaND-1, launched in February 2013 and launched a research nano-satellite for orbital debris mitigation in 2015. Full Bio 8:45 a.m. Small Satellite Constellation Dynamics As small satellites spread across the skies, questions about constellation management arise. What is involved in designing, implementing and maintaining multiple satellites in a small satellite constellation? How does operating a small satellite constellation differ for a more traditional satellite system? What are the most important applications flying in constellations today and what might they be tomorrow?. Moderator: John Booher, Partner, Hogan Lovells.

Speaker: Jenny Barna, Launch Manager, Spire Global, Inc. Speaker: TBD.

Speaker: TBD. Speaker: TBD.

Speaker: TBD 10:00 a.m. Networking & Refreshment Break 10:30 a.m. Earth Observation With more than 400 Earth observation satellites (50kg+) planned for launch by 2025, and an additional 1000 satellites below 50k flying in constellations, the coming decade of growth in observation satellites is enormous.

Stevenson Astrosat

From agriculture & mining to traffic observation, mapping & weather, small satellites provide an opportunity to observe our planet in considerable detail. High resolution, accurate data provides a range of solutions to meet the immediate needs of emergency responders, defense users and location-based services.

In how many ways can Geospatial Data be presented and be useful? Who are the important customers and what are their primary concerns and requirements?. Moderator: Adam Keith, Managing Director, Euroconsult Canada. Speaker: James Crawford, Founder and CEO, Orbital Insight. Speaker: Dr. Lars Dyrud, CEO, OmniEarth.

Speaker: Dr. Alex Saltman, Senior Vice President, GeoOptics Inc.

Speaker: David Strobel, CEO, Space Micro. Speaker: TBD 11:30 a.m. Securing Capital In New Small Satellite Ventures What is the optimal way to secure capital for the startup phase of a SmallSat venture?

What are the different dynamics of getting funding for a startup SmallSat operator vs a startup manufacturer/launch service provider or data processing company? Explored in this panel are the various ways capital suppliers view revolutionary ideas. Has the complexity of the financial market led to roadblocks for SmallSat operators and manufacturers?

How do operators avoid financial pitfalls (funding gaps, etc.)? Beyond the first funding round, how will investors approach adding capital to a maturing venture? What is the past and present performance of the sector and what are the current and expected trends for industry consolidation and M&A transactions?. Speaker: Chris Stott, Chairman & CEO, ManSat. Speaker: Chad Anderson, Managing Director, Space Angels Network.

Speaker: Sunil Nagaraj, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Bessemer Venture Partners. Speaker: Chris Quilty, Sr. Vice President, Equity Research, Raymond James.


Astrosat 8000 Hd Software 2017

Speaker: TBD. Speaker: TBD 12:30 p.m. Lunch 2:00 p.m.

Traditional Large Integrators—What is their Role in the SmallSat Industry? Threat or opportunity? What are the majors doing independently or with their affiliates to capitalize on the SmallSat market? Airbus, Boeing, General Dynamics, Hughes, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, SSL and Thales Alenia are known for the scale of the systems they implement. How does each approach the small satellite market, and how does the scale of their organizations affect that approach?. Moderator: Susan Irwin, Principal Advisor, Euroconsult.

Speaker: Airbus - TBD. Speaker: Boeing - TBD. Speaker: General Dynamics - TBD. Speaker: Lockheed Martin Representative – To Be Announced. Speaker: Professor Andrew Kwas, Director Engineering & Technology, Northrop Grumman.

Speaker: Mr. Dave Wajsgras, President, Business Unit, Raytheon 3:15 p.m. Next Generation Technology What new technologies will fly in the next generation of small satellites? What terrestrial equipment will be necessary to support these innovations? Speakers will discuss potential new applications, private sector technologies, space tech incubators, notable advances in design and implementation, advanced materials, 3D printing and robotics. What will be the role of NASA, NOAA, and Research Universities? What new business models and applications might be enabled by the birth of new technologies?. Moderator: Bruce Pittman, Chief System Engineer, NASA Space Portal, NASA Ames Research Center.

Speaker: Dr. Sean Casey, Managing Director, Silicon Valley Space Center. Speaker: Dr. Sami BenAmor, Director of Marketing, Thales Alenia Space. Speaker: Andrew Petro, Program Executive Solar Electric Propulsion Small Spacecraft Technology, NASA Headquarters. Speaker: TBD.

Speaker: TBD 4:15 p.m. Networking & Refreshment Break 4:45 p.m. Defense and Government Applications Defense, Government and NGO sectors require both remote sensing intelligence to detect and classify objects and also connectivity for secure, mission-critical communications. With advancements in small satellite technology, what kinds of improvements could SmallSat bring to existing solutions? What kinds of innovative new solutions might materialize? How do SmallSat operators work with government partners?. Moderator: Tom Stroup, President, SIA - Satellite Industry Association.

Speaker: Dr. Jenny Gautier, Director of Commercial Programs, The Aerospace Corporation. Speaker: Karl Kensinger, Deputy Chief of the Satellite Division, FCC. Speaker: Dr.

Josef Koller, Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Space Policy. Speaker: Tony Lin, Counsel, Washington, DC, Hogan Lovells. Speaker: TBD. Speaker: TBD 5:15 p.m. Concluding Remarks The first 100 registrations qualify for a $200 discount on the standard event admission—take advantage of this saving and register today at this direct link. To register, please visit.

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