Agp Texture Acceleration Driver Xp Free Download


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Hi all I've been browsing this forum for quite some time now but haven't registered untill now. My problem is that I can't seem to enable AGP Texture Acceleration within DXDiagnostics. The option is greyed out. Being the case, the option for Fastwrite is also disabled within the ATI control panel. I've posted the specs for my system below.

Does anyone have the solution for the above problems? Thanks in advance Pentium4 2.4 / 533 Asus P4PE 512 MB VData PC3200 DDR Ram Gigabyte Maya2 Radeon 9700 Pro Maxtor 60 GB ATA133 HDD Windows XP Professional SP1 catalyst 3.7 DirectX 9.0b( 4.09.0000.0902). There are numerous ways of enabling AGP texturing but i will tell you couple. First you have to make sure AGP is enabled in the bios, so boot into bios and enable it. Second of all you have to download and install the latest AGP drivers from your motherboard manufacturer. Here's a link to your motherboard sites.

ASUS P4PE motherboard Download ((Funny, you mention that your memory is PC3200 but it states in your motherboard that its PC2700/2100) Once you have downloaded you can either a) Goto SMARTGART tab in ATI display settings and press retest all. Your system should reboot afterwards. Download Powerstrip from Powerstrip (and enable it manually. When it installs you should see a powerstrip icon near your clock. Right click on this and goto system information (somewhere at the top).

Click on that. You should now have some information about your graphics card. WARNING this bit is sensitive. Go to the top and uncheck READ ONLY (this will allow you to change the setting). Now click on the desired options (If AGP texturing is disabled, then enable it). You can also enable Fastwrites and Sideband Addressing here.

It is advicable to reboot the system afterwards. If you want to check if you have AGP texturing, the info view to the far left shows it. Just scroll down until you see AGP texturing. Be careful with this because not all motherboards are alike and the things you see in the system information can be tempting. Do not enable features you are not sure your system supportsbecause it will FOOK UP. Hope it helps.

Originally posted by kaptainkangaroo There are numerous ways of enabling AGP texturing but i will tell you couple. First you have to make sure AGP is enabled in the bios, so boot into bios and enable it. Already done Second of all you have to download and install the latest AGP drivers from your motherboard manufacturer. Here's a link to your motherboard sites. ASUS P4PE motherboard Download (There are no AGP drivers for this Intel Chipset board. (Funny, you mention that your memory is PC3200 but it states in your motherboard that its PC2700/2100) I know that my motherboard only supports PC2700 as a max. But I bought the PC3200 Ram because they cost only a little more than the PC2700 Ram at the time of buying.

A) Goto SMARTGART tab in ATI display settings and press retest all. Your system should reboot afterwards. The retest button works fine and it moved the marker to 'On' but it resets to 'Off', when I've rebooted the system Hope it helps Thanks for the suggestion but they didn't help:(. If the system keeps defaulting it to OFF, there may be a reason. If you have reset your BIOS to Factory Defaults, or even flashed it to the latest BIOS and then reset it to Factory Defaults, installed your motherboard chipset drivers (Every motherboard that has AGP has drivers for it - even if they are built directly into Windows), your Monitor INF file, Direct X 9.0b and the Catalyst drivers (Try Cat 3.5 first - the most stable at this point) and after ALL THAT you cannot get AGP working at all, there may be some kind of hardware incompatibility. You could try a total fresh install of the OS with only the Video card installed in the motherboard, but that is a bit drastic. A little update.

I finally got my pc working again. The problem was the AGP drivers for my motherboard, which I totally forgot all about when I did a reinstall a few weeks ago. The reason why I didn't think about it was because I lost my cd for my Asus P4PE motherboard. When I did the reinstall I just downloaded the Sound, LAN and USB drivers off Asus website. Since I didn't have the original cd and the fact that the motherboard drivers are no where to be found on the Asus website, I didn't give it much thought. Until Saturday that is. At first I was blaming the problem on DX9 and my motherboard.

I even went to think that my RAM could be causing the problem. I took my Radeon 9700 Pro with me to work on Friday and tested it with my test machine( IBM 1800MHz P4). 'AGP Texturing' worked and so did Fastwrite. Fine I thought. The problem must be with my motherboard. On Saturday I was browsing around the net and suddenly it hit me that motherboard - the Asus P4PE - was using the Intel 845 chipset.

I went to Intel's website and found the 'Intel Utility INF drivers'. I installed them and rebooted my system. Afterwards I went into 'Dxdiag' and 'AGP Texturing' was now enabled.

Fastwrite was also enabled under the 'ATI Control Panel / Guart':) The embarrassing part is that I'm a IT-consultant and help people setting up their pc, network and other things all day long. I should have figured this one out a lot sooner.

Learning from the experience I have made me a 'Reminders sheet when doing a reinstall':) - If I just have had the cd for my motherboard then there would have been no problems at all:) The credit must go to TheMonkeyBoyz because he made me think a little deeper:) Thanks for the help and suggestions guys:). Originally posted by Enfen A little update. On Saturday I was browsing around the net and suddenly it hit me that motherboard - the Asus P4PE - was using the Intel 845 chipset. I went to Intel's website and found the 'Intel Utility INF drivers'.

I installed them and rebooted my system. Afterwards I went into 'Dxdiag' and 'AGP Texturing' was now enabled. Fastwrite was also enabled under the 'ATI Control Panel / Guart':) coolness, Im having the exact same problem, with the exact same mobo Im currently browsing around the intel site for the 'Intel Utiility INF Drivers' but Im not having much luck. I think perhaps because I dont quite know what Im supposed to be looking for.

Im a complete hardware noob. Could you please perhaps link me to the file you downloaded? Thank you very much Enfen for the links, I downloaded, installed them and then restarted, however I see no difference:( AGP texture acceleration is still greyed out (and off) and enabling fast write reboots, and defaults it back to off.

What exactly am I missing out on, not having my AGP texture acceleration enabled? @ VXFactor: uninstall my cat 3.8s? Then reinstall my stock asus mobo drivers?

What I find interesting, that it cant seem to get AGP acc working and its an AGP only mobo then again, Im easily confused and know little to nothing about hardware (and drivers). Well I went ahead with uninstalling the cat 3.8 then I installed the Intel inf utils then re-installed the cat 3.8 nothing, agp is still disabled (and no option to enable it) Fast write will reboot but default back to off (even though it recommends it be on after a retest.) frustrating stuff:( I did however get this little gem of an error while re-installing the cat drivers. Popped up in an error window - SEVERE - Zero Display Service Error yah. Whatever that means:(.

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Originally posted by The PIT Probably dumbfart messing up as normal. Go to ATI website and download the smartgart uninstaller. Run it and remove the rubbish.

Go to device manager and then select your video card and choose update your driver. Don't let windoze update automatically just choose have disk option and navigate to where the ATI drivers are unpacked. Let windoze chug away to itself and then say no to reboot.

Do the same for second head and then reboot. More than likely AGP texturing will be enabled hopefully. I downloaded the gart uninstaller from, ran it and didnt restart went into device manager and selected the 'radeon 9800 pro' (my primary) and hit update driver, pointed to the C: ati SUPPORT wxp-w2k-catalyst-7-94-030917m-011434c Driver CX11434.inf for my primary and then C: ati SUPPORT wxp-w2k-catalyst-7-94-030917m-011434c Driver C211434.inf for my secondary.

I then restarted. And nothing:( damn I was so hoping that would work. Thank you for the suggestion though. No matter what I do (short of formatting. Which I dont want to do at this point).

I always get that error. It doesnt have any apparent effect (at least none I notice). But why am I getting that? Is it perhaps because I installed omega drivers a couple days ago, and my sys got all messed up (prolly my fault, not the drivers mind you) I think perhaps there are traces of the driver on my comp, but for the life of me I cant seem to find them.

I downloaded different versions of the cats (thinking it was a corrupt download, or something else. Perhaps just the 3.8s) however it is the same with any driver I install. I get the at the 'windows xp driver install' screen. No matter what driver I chose ( I tried 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8) I even retried the Omegas. I still cant get AGP acceleration enabled (very frustrating after spending $400+ on the card alone) I realize it must be something IM doing.

Agp Texture Acceleration Driver Xp Free Download Operating System

But its still very annoying to say the least. I flashed my bios to the latest version I uninstalled and re-installed different versions of catalyst drivers so many times It makes me sick I downloaded and installed the chipset INf utility that Enfen showed me, (uninstalled display drivers, installed chipset, installed display again) I have removed all files by company (ati) in my system, and system32 directories.


I have downloaded powerstrip and tried to enable it that way, the box is there but I cant check it (in other words it might as well not be there since I cant enable it. It just makes a beep sound) I have gone into my bios settings and made sure my AGP arpiture is 128mb I even set it to 64mb (its at that now. Even though I have 2gb or ram) I have manually uninstalled, and manually installed the drivers. I pretty much have done everything I can think of, closed background progs and done all of the above. And combinations of all. Im pretty much to the point where I have no ideas left. My last resort is Formatting.

But I seriously dont want to do that (at least not at this time) and even then people on the boards have reported a clean install etc didnt make a difference. Originally posted by The PIT Mr R have you tried running drivercleaner and then doing a manual update. Also whats you agp apature setting in the bios??? Yes I have run drivercleaner.

Yep I used Drivercleaner to uninstall then did manunal install AGP arpiture was at 256mb, I however put it into 128 (I assumed it might be an error related to it) I then went even further, and am now using 64mb, I see no visual difference between arps @ Enfen: ati control panel is installed with the driver suite (I have also installed the driver by itself, so it cant be that) I also have uninstalled all ati software (including control panel) I have even gone so far as to search anything company related to ATI, or name related on my HD and deleted them even my reg keys still nothing;(. Originally posted by Mr. Redundant yes I have run drivercleaner.

Agp Texture Acceleration Driver Xp Free Download

Wow, thats big time last resort situation though. I do have another AGP card (an nvidia 5800fx ultra, crap card) its in my second comp, but thats way too much effort just for AGP acc. No one has answered my question though (in numerous threads) is AGP texture acceleration really that big a deal? My system is stable, my framerates are great (well my basis for comparison was my shitty old rig, so I guess Im spoiled in that respect) Im happy with how things run. I mean I have had the card since the week it was released, and only recently found out about this AGP issue, just wanted to know what it did, and if it was worth more time (I already have spent 2 days straight wasting time trying to get it to work. Originally posted by Mr. Redundant wow, thats big time last resort situation though.

I do have another AGP card (an nvidia 5800fx ultra, crap card) its in my second comp, but thats way too much effort just for AGP acc. No one has answered my question though (in numerous threads) is AGP texture acceleration really that big a deal? My system is stable, my framerates are great (well my basis for comparison was my shitty old rig, so I guess Im spoiled in that respect) Im happy with how things run. I mean I have had the card since the week it was released, and only recently found out about this AGP issue, just wanted to know what it did, and if it was worth more time (I already have spent 2 days straight wasting time trying to get it to work.

Agp Texture Acceleration Driver Xp Free Download 32 Bit

) A lot off effort???? Is it buried under 900 stone Suma wrestler or something??????

Well if you can't be bothered to do something that would take around 30 minutes at max you might as well live with it. As for performance on your other computer just disable it under dxdiag and then see if you can see a differance.

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