Sikhi 2 Max A Gurbani Software Download


  1. Sikhi 2 Max A Gurbani Software Download Pdf

GurbaniNow API utilizes the CloudFlare CDN to bring Gurbani to developers all over the world at lightning fast speeds! If you need help. Empty if Not Used 1,2,3,4. - Specify Ang/PageNo. Results, Set Count of Results (DEFAULT 20, MAX 100) In case skip is set, this will return results from the skip to skip+results results.

Pocket SikhiToTheMax Installation Guide 1. Introduction: This tool has been designed to enable one to search the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and find any part of Gurbani that they wish. The software proves particularly useful at keertan darbaars. Please bear in mind that this software is designed to work only with MS Pocket PC based machines, not Palm or Symbian based devices (they are not powerfull enough and handle fonts badly). If you are unsure. Sync PDA and PC: Before installing Gurbani Searcher Tool on the PDA, you should have the PC setup to sync data with the Pocket PC.

In case you don't have this setup, follow some brief instructions on how to do that in this step, otherwise proceed to step 3. In order to sync data between the PC and the PDA, you can install software.

  • SIKHI TO THE MAX 2 WINDOWS 7 FREE DOWNLOAD - Our Veers at other sites will also host the software. Sign in Already have an account? They started with the SikhiToTheMax.
  • Latest iSearchGurbani v2.0 is freshly redesigned app from grounds up for easy and efficient user interface. ISearchGurbani (iSG) is a cross platform software bringing you a simplistic approach to search and explore Gurbani. ISG includes complete Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Bhai Gurdas Vaaran, Kabit Bhai Gurdas, Bhai Nand.

Once the softare has downloaded, double click on the file to start the installation. Once the installation is complete, plug in your PDA into the PC using the USB connector cable that came with the PDA. A screen (Fig. 1) should pop up to set partnership between PC and the PDA. From the following screen, select Guest partnership and click on the Next.

Install Pocket PC 2003 runtime for Gurbani Searcher (Optional) Note: This is an optional component for Pocket PC 2003 and above. Pocket PC 2000-2002 doesn't need it. Download ( for Gurbani Searcher.

Once the file is downloaded, you have to move the file over to the PDA. You can save this file in a temporary location anywhere on the PDA. In order to do this, click on the Explore button in Fig. Browse to a directory on the PDA where you would to like to move this file to. Once in the directory, drag file over to the desired directory. An example can be seen in Fig.

It is recommended to save this file on additional memory in the PDA. Once the file is copied to PDA, tap on the file. This should install Pocket PC 2003 runtime for Gurbani Searcher. During installation some screens might pop up asking where to save the files etc, just select the default values.

Once the runtime is fully installed, it will automatically delete the file from the temporary location. Now proceed to the next step to install Gurbani Searcher program on the PDA. Install Gurbani Searcher program Download file ( on the PC.

Gurbani download free

Once downloaded, unzip the file contents to a temporary location. After unzipping you should have 3 files, gsearcher.Arm 1100 (4k), Setup.exe and Setup.ini.

Note: Make sure the PDA is plugged into the PC. Double click on Setup.exe file to start Gurbani Searcher program installation.

This program will copy above files to the following location on PC by default: C: Program Files BaniTranslationTool. If this directory doesn't exist, another popup screen ( Fig. 4) will tell you if its ok to create this directory. Select an appropriate location or leave the default values in the Destination Folder field and click on OK to continue with the installation. 7: Download complete popup If all the screens disappear after you clicked on OK, then proceed to next step.

If not, then go back to see if you have missed anything. Install Fonts: Download ( on the PC. Unzip the file. Select the unzipped fonts and drag them to the PDA Fonts folder located at windows fonts.

Look at step 2 on how to browse the directories on the PDA using ActiveSync's Explore feature. While copying fonts to the PDA, you might see a popup (Fig. 8) regarding file conversion. Install Gurbani Searcher database: Download (gurujee.sdf) on the PC. Copy the database file to the same directory where Gurbani Searcher program was installed on the PDA in step 4, by default to SD Card SikhiToTheMax BaniTranslationTool. Look at step 2 on how to browse the directories on the PDA using ActiveSync's Explore feature. While copying database to the PDA, you might see a popup (Fig.

8) regarding file conversion. You can safely ignore that message and click on OK to continue. After copying is complete, you will see something similar to Fig. At this time, installation of the Gurbani Searcher Tool is complete. Proceed to next step if you want to set up a shortcut to Bani Translation Tool on the Start menu on the PDA.

9: Copying database to program directory 7. Setup shortcut on Start menu: On the PDA, click on Start menu. Select Settings. This will open Settings window as shown in Fig. Click on Menus item. This will open another window as shown in Fig.

Select the check box in front of Bani Translation Tool to create the shortcut on Start menu. Click on ok to save your changes. Now when you click on Start menu it will have a shortcut to BaniTranslationTool. Please look at misc. Pics on how the BaniTranslationTool looks on the PDA. This completes the installation and setup of Gurbani Searcher tool.

Oct 27th Although they cannot provide the same experience as using an actual Gutka or doing paath from a physical saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, smartphones and modern devices allow us to read Baani or sing shabads anytime, anywhere. They come in handy for kirtan when a projector system is not available, both for the kirtanee and sangat. There have been some great apps developed for iOS, and with the increasing popularity of the Android platform, many more Gurbani apps are becoming available – each with its own share of unique features. In this article I will be reviewing the 6 best Gurbani Search apps available on the Google Play Store. Each app is described along with a basic run down of its features, pros/cons, and screenshots.

The Play Store links are included, so you can read the official descriptions and download them directly. Being an Android user myself, I’m so glad that these apps are available and I want other users to be aware of them too. Most of them have been developed individually or by small groups, and they are all free.

So a huge thanks to all of the developers who did this great seva and provided the sangat with a wide range of resources – I’m sure everyone can find something that fits their needs. Sikhitothemax By: Singh Size: 153 kb (App downloads database separately) Android users may often download this app because of its well established name. However, there is nothing which says this app was developed by the same team that created the desktop software and website SikhiToTheMax. Rather, it seems that this was a private effort. When opening the app, it takes you straight to the search screen which has a Gurmukhi keyboard with nice large buttons that are clearly readable. The “first letters” search function works well, but it only searches Baani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji; there are no results from Dasam Granth Sahib or Bhai Gurdas Ji’s Vaars.

In shabad view, the app lets you go to the previous and next shabads. This is handy, although I wish the buttons at the top weren’t so big as they take up a lot of space from the screen. The layout is clean and clear. Settings are accessible from both the search page and Shabad view (by pressing your phone’s menu button), and include some great features such as light/dark backgrounds, different font options, and the ability to toggle the English translations. Overall this is a solid app that gets the job done, but lacks many of the advanced features that are available in other android apps. Pros: Gurmukhi keyboard, adjustable font size, light/dark themes, hide/enable english, in-shabad menu access Cons: delete button clears all letters – have to start again, no Dasam Bani or Bhai Gurdas, no favorites, no Baani or Granth view. Dhur Ki Baani By Khalsa Size: 6.24 mb This app has been available for a long time, and it provides a solid set of features.

Upon opening the app, users are greeted with a simple home screen that has 3 options: Sikh Prayers, Search By Ang, and Search By Shabad. This app features a basic Nitnem Gutka built in, with the 7 daily Baania and Ardaas.

The cool thing is that everything has English transliteration as well, so if you can’t read Gurmukhi you can still do paath. All the font sizes are adjustable as well. The search by ang feature is great too, if you know the ang number in SGGS you can just go right to it. The Search by Shabad option works well, with the usual first letters mechanism.

However, you must type with your standard English keyboard and the letters appear in English. The other annoying thing is that you have to put spaces between the letters, unlike most other apps. The app only searches SGGS and does not include other sources such as Bhai Gurdas Ji or Dasam Bani.

You can save a Shabad as a bookmark and view it later, and you can also conveniently take a screenshot with a special button right in the app. The app lets you navigate to the previous and next Shabads. There is a settings menu that you can access from the home screen, but if you are viewing a Shabad, you have to go back to the home page to change settings and then search for the Shabad again. Although the design looks a little bit outdated, this app is a great effort and works well. Pros: Adjustable font size, toggle-able transliteration and translations, bookmarks, sreenshot, Nitnem Guttka, Search by Ang Cons: No Dasam Baani or Bhai Gurdaas Ji, Menu only accessible from home, need spaces in search, English keyboard, English letters. IGranth By: Richipal Singh S ize: 11.88mb. This was my favorite Gurbani search application for a really long time, and I still recommend it.

The interface is clean, simple, and right to the point. Opening the app takes you right to the search screen, which has a Gurmukhi keyboard. The keys are big but the letters are very small, and people often have trouble reading them. But the ‘first letters anywhere’ search works pretty well. There is no menu or settings page – however, pressing the menu button in shabad view gives you the option to turn English translations on or off, or go straight to the corresponding SGGS page. The SGGS page viewer lets you navigate to any ang. You can also favorite the Shabads and access them later on.

You can zoom in and out from the shabad view, which is very convenient. Some shabads have Punjabi viakhia but not all, for some reason. This app also includes a simple Nitnem Gutka that has the basic daily Baanis.

The best thing about this app is that it also searches Dasam Baani, Bhai Gurdas Ji’s Vaaraa and even Bhai Nand Lal Ji and other compositions that are in Amrit Kirtan (Bhai Gurdaas Gingh, Rehitnamas, etc). All in all, a great app and usually my go-to choice. Pros: Ability to zoom in shabad pages, turn off translations from page, favorites, share feature, Nitnem Gutka, go to ang, Gurmukhi keyboard, many compositions Cons: Small Keyboard, no transliteration, can’t rearrange favorites, can’t change background or font color, punjabi translations incomplete. Gurbani Nirvaan By: Vayu Waves Size: 315 kb (App downloads database separately) I don’t use this app very often, but it actually has a lot of features, many of which are not available in other apps.

The app’s home screen greets you with a random Shabad every time, which is great. If you look around you won’t find anything – you have to press the menu key in order to get some options (an older design style). You can read the full text from SGGS, Bhai Gurdas Ji, Dasam Granth, and a few specific Baania, and navigate within them by swiping left or right to change pages or go directly to a specific ang. The app also remembers the last place you left off so you can continue reading from there. There is a basic Nitnem Gutka that includes the standard daily Baanis. Whats great about the search function in this app is that you can search from first letters in Gurmukhi or English, and you can search for Gurmukhi words/phrases AND you can search for words in the English translation!

It can search from SGGS, Dasam Bani, or Vaaran Bhai Gurdaas – but you have to select which source to search in. The most powerful feature of this app, in my opinion, is bookmark management.

You can create different groups to put the bookmarks into, and change the order in which they appear. You can even edit the name of each bookmark to make it easier to find later on. Another unique and super cool feature about this app is that you can “pin” a Shabad to your home screen. So basically you can have a shortcut on your home screen that takes you directly to the Shabad you want, instead of trying to find it later – making it great for Kirtanis!

This app may not be for everyone, but it has much to offer! Pros: Dasam Granth & Bhai Gurdaas, Nitnem Gutka, word/english search, organized bookmarks, pin to homescreen, share Cons: English keyboard, aged UI, need to select source when searching. ISearch Gurbani By: Gatway to Sikhism foundation Size: 4.7mb (App downloads database separately) This app is strikingly similar to Gurbani Nirvaan.

The home page once again shows a random shabad, and although the design is a little more aesthetically pleasing, it still uses the older menu paradigm. You won’t see any options until you press the menu button. You can read SGGS, navigate to any ang, swipe left and right to move forward or back, and you can zoom from within the shabad, so you don’t need to go into the menu. The Sundar Gutka/Baani list is very extensive and includes a lot more options than most of the other apps, including most of the Baanis in SGGS and some from Dasam Baani. This app also has Hindi and Romanization in addition to Gurmukhi and English translations. All the fonts sizes are adjustable and you can even pick some fancy Gurmukhi fonts, as well as change the background style.

The search feature searches SGGS, Bhai Gurdaas, Dasam Bani and more all at once. But you have to remember to put spaces between the letters otherwise it won’t work.

This apps lets you search using first letters or full words in english or in the transliteration. You can also save the shabads as favorites.

The app also installs a gurmukhi keyboard in your phone that you can switch to make it easier for typing searches, but its annoying having to switch keyboards every time you use the app. Overall a very functional app that is also beautiful. Pros: Hindi, English Transliteration, Sundar Gutka, go to ang, swipe and zoom from page view, adjustable font options, favorites, light/dark themes, searches all sources, includes gurmukhi keyboard, help menu Cons: Need to put spaces between letters, separate Gurmukhi keyboard – need to switch input methods.

Gurbani Searcher By: Surinder Pal Singh Bindra Size: 21.99 mb. I have to admit, this is my favorite Gurbani App.


I think its unmatched in the amount of features and the developer keeps updating it and making it better! As soon as you open the app there is a message saying Fateh and reminding users to cover their head to respect Gurbani. You can search with first letters anywhere or by individual words. The search is live, so the results start showing up as you type. There is a little icon that tells you what source the result is from. Unfrotunately the app doesn’t have a Gurmukhi keyboard built in, but the developer has one available to download separately.

One of the best features of this app that others lack is pinch to zoom, the most intuitive way to change your text size. The author recently added a great menu that you can access by sliding from the left in shabad view, which lets you toggle English and Gurmukhi translations, as well as Hindi. An awesome unique feature is the auto-scroll, which scrolls the shabad down on its own. You can even adjust the speed, making it handy for following along Akhand Paath without the need to constantly touch your phone and scroll. You can save shabads to favorites, and then sort the favorites by raag, author, or even custom tags that you set. This can be very useful for kirtanees to organize their shabads into groups.

You can also read SGGS, Bhai Nand Lal Ji, Bhai Gurdaas, Dasam Granth, and other compositions. The included Sundar Gutka has a wide selection of Baanis. You can view the Baani in scroll view or page view, which lets you turn pages in 3d. Other great features include live kirtan streaming, calendar, and exporting favorites. I think this is the most feature rich Gurbani App and it is designed well too. Pros: Pinch to zoom, slide out menu, punjabi teeka & translation, hindi, recent history, sortable favorites, customize fonts and colors, hindi, live search, sundar gutka, page turning, auto scroll, bhai nand lal ji/rehit nama/compositions, calendar, kirtan, Larivar Cons: no English transliteration, large app size, need to download Gurmukhi Keyboard separately. Well, those are the best Gurbani Search Apps I’ve found, seen, and used on Android devices.

Thanks once again to all the developers and I hope readers found this article helpful. Go ahead and try a new app, you may end up liking it. There are a few great apps I left off of this list because they don’t fit the criteria for comparison (but they may be mentioned in a later article). Whats your favorite Sikhi app? If you have any other ideas, suggestions, or something I missed, please let me know in the comments below.

Sikhi 2 Max A Gurbani Software Download Pdf

Lets try to use these valuable resources and technology to connect more with our Guru! Not using Android? For iOS gurbani apps, check out this great post by Maneetpaul Singh.

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