Harlequin Express Rip 8 Crackers


By Jill Shalvis Published: April 1, 2011 by Forever Received: Purchased e-book from B&N Two Men Are One Too Many. Tara has a thousand good reasons not to return to the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington. Yet with her life doing a major crash-and-burn, anywhere away from her unfulfilled dreams and sexy ex-husband will do. As Tara helps her two sisters get their newly renovated inn up and running, she finally has a chance to get things under control and come up with a new plan for her life. But a certain tanned, green-eyed sailor has his own ideas, such as keeping Tara hot, bothered. And in his bed. And when her ex wants Tara back, three is a crowd she can't control-especially when her deepest secret reappears out of the blue.

  1. Harlequin Express Rip 8 Crackers For Sale

Now Tara must confront her past and discover what she really wants. If she's lucky, she might just find that everything her heart desires is right here in Lucky Harbor.

The second book in this series takes place in the same quaint seaside town of Lucky Harbor, but this time the story revolves around Tara: the uptight, control freak sister. She's made the decision to stick around and help her sisters get the Inn started, that their deceased mother has left behind for them. Though she vows to only stay long enough to get things comfortable for everyone, there's a slight edge of hesitance.

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Harlequin Express Rip 8 Crackers For Sale

Something is pulling her to stay longer, and it's certainly not the Inn. Ford holds a piece of her past. They met when they were seventeen, and what started as a hot summer quickly went up in flames.

The two of them never dealt with the consequences of their past. Instead, Tara took off running and Ford let her go.

It's what the two of them do best. Now they are forced to deal with their past, and ultimately end up rekindling an old flame that never truly burned out. I loved the dynamic of this story. Yes, there was tons of heat and passion, but there was also this emotional story revolving around so many of the characters. It put a spin on the story and allowed you to connect with it in a whole new way. I had already fallen in love with the town of Lucky Harbor and all its inhabitants in the first book, but this one allowed me time to really get to know individual characters.

Both Tara and Ford were constantly pulling away, only to jerk themselves right back into each others arms. Their connection and chemistry was certainly present through out. This series is quickly becoming a favorite of mine among Adult Contemporary Romances. I love the balance between humor and passion, yet so easily sliding in something with more substance when you least expect it. The flow of Jill Shalvis' writing is so easy to get lost in. I devoured this book in no time and am desperate to move on to the third book ASAP!

I've dropped anchor and plan to stay in Lucky Harbor for a bit longer. Yes, this is me when I was 2! It's hard to believe that I've been doing this book blogging thing for 2 years now. So many amazing books have landed in my hands because of all this; whether that be from another blogger's recommendation, a friend telling me 'Ginger! You have to read this!'

, or from the ever so generous publishers and authors who send a copy my way. I do this because I love to share my thoughts on what I read and I thank each and every one of you for coming back and reading what I have to say. In celebration of my 2 year blogoversary I will be giving away 2 books to one lucky winner!

It was tough to narrow it down, but below you will find a list of some of my favorite contemporary books I've read since I created this blog. I didn't discover my love for contemporary YA until I began blogging and it has forever changed my outlook on what I read now. I just adore it so much! Good luck & I hope you add some of these books to your TBR list. They are PHENOMENAL!

In the last week or so I've spoiled myself with purchasing a few new e-books for my nook. Thanks to my good friend Jess from, she recommended the Lucky Harbor series to me. I devoured the first book in a day, and then quickly moved on to the second book.

The third book was an automatic purchase as well. And I have a feeling the rest of the series will come quickly, too. I highly recommend snagging this series if you're a fan of Adult Contemporary Romance. These books have just the right amount of depth, humor and passion! By Jill Shalvis Published: October 1, 2010 by Forever Received: Purchased e-book via B&N Maddie Moore's whole life needs a makeover. In one fell swoop, Maddie loses her boyfriend (her decision) and her job (so not her decision). But rather than drowning her sorrows in bags of potato chips, Maddie leaves L.A.

To claim the inheritance left by her free-spirited mother-a ramshackle inn nestled in the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington. Starting over won't be easy. Yet Maddie sees the potential for a new home and a new career-if only she can convince her two half-sisters to join her in the adventure. But convincing Tara and Chloe will be difficult because the inn needs a big makeover too. The contractor Maddie hires is a tall, dark-haired hottie whose eyes-and mouth-are making it hard for her to remember that she's sworn off men. Even harder will be Maddie's struggles to overcome the past, though she's about to discover that there's no better place to call home than Lucky Harbor.

I have been on a quest to find the perfect Adult Romance for myself. Nothing too cheesy, and nothing too embarrassing (let's be real - Ginger covers her eyes and gets red cheeks when certain body parts are given silly names). Thanks to my good friend for recommending this book to me, I've found just the right mix of passion and depth within this contemporary adult romance.

She knows my tastes all too well. The first thing that captured my attention with this particular story was the setting. I could totally visualize the small beach side town of Lucky Harbor. It reminded me of such places that I see in movies. With the fall/winter season approaching quickly, I welcomed the change of season in my reading material as well.

Though Texas never sees snow like the Pacific Northwest, I still enjoy experiencing it through vividly told stories such as this one. The other dynamic of this story which really won me over is the story line. I love the idea of starting over when you feel as though you've hit rock bottom. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, lots of things in Maddie's case. But there's always that silver lining somewhere and I really connected with Maddie, her sisters, and the various people in Lucky Harbor who continuously searched for it. And then there was the passion. Maddie meets Jax within the first few pages; however, their tension builds for quite some time after that. It's not just about the physical connection though, there's something richer, deeper there, and as the reader you instantly feel it. Experiencing their encounters one after the other was a treat for me to read about. Yes, there were moments when I blushed like crazy, but there were also more sweet, mature moments that I could identify with.

I know that there are several books in this series, and have been told they follow various characters and their stories. I've already picked up the second book and plan to make my way through all of them, eventually. I have a desire to read more contemporary romance novels, but they have to be the perfect fit for me.


The Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis definitely captured my interest! By Kristin Halbrook To be published: January 29, 2013 by HarperTeen Bonnie and Clyde meets Simone Elkeles in this addictively heart-wrenching story of two desperate teenagers on the run from their pasts. They’re young. They’re in love.

They’re on the run. Zoe wants to save Will as much as Will wants to save Zoe. When Will turns eighteen, they decide to run away together. But they never expected their escape to be so fraught with danger. When the whole world is after you, sometimes it seems like you can’t run fast enough. Nobody But Us, told in alternating perspectives from Will and Zoe, is an unflinching novel, in turns heartbreaking and hopeful, about survival, choices, and love.and how having love doesn’t always mean that you get a happy ending. Described as “beautiful, heartbreaking, and exhilarating” by Kody Keplinger, author of The DUFF, Nobody But Us will prove irresistible to fans of Nina Lacour, Jenny Han, and Sara Zarr.

That is a lot of author name drops for one book description, but I am completely OK with that since they are all authors I would read anything! I am so curious to know what has caused these two teens to be on the run. This book sounds like it has a lot of drama and tension in it, as well. Those two characteristics are high on my list of what to look for in a YA contemporary. This Week's Top 10: Bookish People I'd Like to Meet 1.

I 'met' this fabulous lady during my early days of blogging. We've established this friendship that goes beyond just books & reading. She's a wonderful person who's become a part of my life, even if distance keeps us from chit chatting face to face. It will happen one of these days. I am so happy these two have meshed together in one blog. I love both their voices & think their co-bloggership is going to kick ass! I 'met' these two gals in my early days of blogging as well.

Our chats have gone long past books and moved on to some serious topics, and some not-so-serious topics. It's the best sort of friendship and I would love to meet them both face to face to complete the circle. I have met and gotten to know the other half of this fabulous blog (Magan), so I think it's only right that I meet the other amazing half, as well. We just need to get her to Texas!!!

Or a trip to NYC would be cool, too;) 4. I can't tell you how much or how lengthy our email chats have gotten to be.

They are the most random & lovely things I look forward to. I just know that WHEN I meet this girl's face all will be right in the world. You ever come across someone & just know they're meant to be in your life? Yeah, that's Lisa for me. Such a sweet, sincere friend that I am still getting to know more and more, and I LOVE IT! There are days I wish we lived closer because I would give her the biggest hug ever.

She's a great support system when you need one. I think it would only be appropriate if both Shanyn and I brought Daisy & Peso to our meet-up! Those are our fur-baby's, in case you're unaware. Aside from books and dog talk, we've definitely connected with music and random convos about eye glasses and mountain dew. It's what happens when you become friends with an awesome person like Shanyn. Books brought this wonderful lady into my life and our friendship has grown way past that.

When ever there's a new recipe to try, a TV show the other must watch, or a book we came across that needs reading so we can chat about it; it's this girl I go to. I adore her in more ways than one. It may have been the Vampire Academy books that brought us together, but our friendship has gone way past that. He's such a fun and positive person to talk to, and the best supporter! We've definitely connected over similar interests in things (and people too, hehe).

Meeting him would be awesome! I 'met' this wonderful author over a year ago and since then she's become a very close person to me in the bookish world. I know I can always count on her for a random chat. Meeting her in person would definitely need to happen over beers and Mat Kearney, for sure. This author is at the top of my list of 'my favorite authors I am still dying to meet'. Her books are some of my faves, so I think it would only be right if we met and I had the opportunity to gush in person about her amazingness! Plus I have a feeling she'd be a fun person to hang out with:) There are so many more bookish peeps I would love to meet and therefore my list could reach infinity and beyond.

I truly believe people who love books are the best kinds of people in this world! By Erica Lorraine Scheidt To be published: January 15, 2013 by St Martin's Press From an extraordinary new YA talent comes a debut novel about a girl who turns to boys—until she finally learns to lean on herself.

Anna remembers a time before boys, when she was little and everything made sense. When she and her mom were a family, just the two of them against the world. But now her mom is gone most of the time, chasing the next marriage, bringing home the next stepfather. Anna is left on her own—until she discovers that she can make boys her family. From Desmond to Joey, Todd to Sam, Anna learns that if you give boys what they want, you can get what you need. But the price is high—the other kids make fun of her; the girls call her a slut.

Anna's new friend, Toy, seems to have found a way around the loneliness, but Toy has her own secrets that even Anna can't know. Then comes Sam. When Anna actually meets a boy who is more than just useful, whose family eats dinner together, laughs, and tells stories, the truth about love becomes clear.

And she finally learns how it feels to have something to lose—and something to offer. Real, shocking, uplifting, and stunningly lyrical, Uses for Boys is a story of breaking down and growing up. The idea of a young girl using boys physically to fill a void she's missing emotionally, intrigues me. I feel that this story is something people, both young and old, can identify with. This debut is high on my list of to-read's for next year.

I think it has the potential to be something really amazing in the YA contemporary realm. By Tara Kelly Published: May 25, 2010 by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) Received: Gifted by Melanie Sixteen-year-old, music- and sound design-obsessed Drea doesn't have friends. She has, as she's often reminded, issues. Drea's mom and a rotating band of psychiatrists have settled on 'a touch of Asperger's.'

Having just moved to the latest in a string of new towns, Drea meets two other outsiders. And Naomi and Justin seem to actually like Drea. The three of them form a band after an impromptu, Portishead-comparison-worthy jam after school. Justin swiftly challenges not only Drea's preference for Poe over Black Lab but also her perceived inability to connect with another person. Justin, against all odds, may even like like Drea. It's obvious that Drea can't hide behind her sound equipment anymore. But just when she's found not one but two true friends, can she stand to lose one of them?

Every once in awhile I'll come across a book that takes me by total surprise. The kind of surprise that reminds me why I love to read so much.

Harmonic Feedback did just that. This particular story is written in a voice that is so easy to follow and identify with. I felt myself connecting with Drea from the first few pages and could not walk away until I heard her entire story. This was my first book to read which touched upon Asperger's syndrome. I am familiar with the disease, and it's array of symptoms - ranging from extreme to very mild. In Drea's case, she falls on the mild scale.

However, there were many moments in this book where AS presented itself, but Drea faught hard against the syndrome and attempted to be heard by her own voice. I think that's one of the most beautiful aspects of this story. Drea has just moved to a new town with her mom, never knowing if and when they'll be on the move again. But something feels right about this place, and maybe, just maybe Drea can finally settle down and place some roots somewhere. She is still hesitant on making friends because of her past. Growing up with AS has not been easy; the constant picking on and labeling has plagued Drea and made her very hesitant on opening up to people.

The changes begin to occur when she meets Naomi and Justin. Finally Drea has found others who accept her. Even though it isn't always easy, she's learning how to make and keep relationships with people. Tara Kelly has the ability to write with such engaging words that you don't feel as though you're forcing a story to be connected with. It just happens, so easily and naturally. I literally could not put this one down. It's the most amazing and wonderful feeling when you come across a contemporary author who speaks right to you.

I feel as though Tara Kelly knew the type of book which I would adore and wrote every word, each chapter just for my eyes only. From the captivating music that's littered through out the story, to the raw emotional characters, I have deemed this book as one of my favorites read this year. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of Harmonic Feedback. Though this book's greatness has seemed to be whispered, I feel the need to shout it's grandeur to every reader I know. By Sarah Dessen Published: June 16, 2009 by Viking Juvenille Received: Gifted by It’s been so long since Auden slept at night.

Ever since her parents’ divorce—or since the fighting started. Now she has the chance to spend a carefree summer with her dad and his new family in the charming beach town where they live. A job in a clothes boutique introduces Auden to the world of girls: their talk, their friendship, their crushes.

She missed out on all that, too busy being the perfect daughter to her demanding mother. Then she meets Eli, an intriguing loner and a fellow insomniac who becomes her guide to the nocturnal world of the town. Together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she’s been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a friend. In her signature pitch-perfect style, Sarah Dessen explores the hearts of two lonely people learning to connect. Visiting a Sarah Dessen book is like visiting the best and worst of times in my younger years. There is something so comforting and raw about her stories that I just adore. Torrent ugly betty saison 3.

She can develop a character that may not necessarily be true to my exact past, but there's always bits and pieces of myself I hear in so many of the voices she speaks through out her novels. Along for the Ride really stood out to me. I've read quite a few Dessen books, but something about this one grabbed me and made it difficult to put down. The story begins just as Auden has graduated from high school. She never truly had a childhood; always coaxed into growing up before her age defined it. Auden's mother and father spent the later half of her teenage years in deep arguments late into the night.

Auden attempted to stay up all night, in hopes that if her parents knew she was awake in the wee morning hours, then maybe, just maybe they would stop fighting and get along. Unfortunately, that is not the case and Auden's parents got a divorce.

The summer before she is to go away to college, Auden decides to visit her father, his new wife, and their newborn daughter. In an attempt to escape her mother's overbearing, critical eye; Auden is hoping to fly under the radar at her dad's house for the summer. Taking all her academic books in tow, what she finds in this small beach side town is far from anything she could learn through a textbook. Auden discovers that sometimes life gives you second chances. Through a series of unforgettable characters, and one particular boy, Auden gets a second chance at unearthing the girl who's laid dormant for far too long. There is something magical about the hours after midnight, that as a teen, you feel the world is yours to do whatever you want with.

My favorite moments of this novel occurred when Eli took Auden on her 'quest' to experience things from her childhood, that she seemed to miss out on. These two characters were holding on to some pretty emotional pasts, but the connection they found in the middle of the night as they walked the aisles of the 24-hour grocery store, drank coffee at the local laundry mat, or even considered learning how to ride a bike; cured their loneliness.


When the world was asleep, Eli and Auden were alive. The deeper issues which Auden waded through when it came to her parents and their divorce presented a mature tone to the story.

Though this girl was having fun during those late night hours, she still had demons to battle when it came to accepting that her parents choices did not dictate the person she should be. I loved the unexpected connection Auden found in her stepmother Heidi, and the girl friends she met through Heidi's store. Though Auden expected a summer of nothing, what she got was a summer that changed her life.

Sarah Dessen has a way with words that sneak up on you when you're not expecting them to. I found myself marking pages, line after line. She knows how to send a message, but not in a preachy way. If there is ever an author to recommend to a teenager, I would most definitely choose Sarah Dessen, and in particular this story. Dessen is a timeless writer. I feel that her stories have the capacity to touch each generation; continuously moving forward for new readers to discover.

Published: August 28, 2012 by Harlequin Teen Received: ARC for review via Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can't keep a secret. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast—and nearly got someone killed. Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence—to learn to keep her mouth shut, and to stop hurting anyone else.

And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she's ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse. But there's strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way—people she never noticed before; a boy she might even fall for. If only her new friends can forgive what she's done.

If only she can forgive herself. Speechless speaks volumes in the quiet world of how cruel high school can be. There is always a label for everyone, whether that be the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds and even the social outcasts. Chelsea was among the elite, attending the best parties and best friends with the high school queen.

This was the world she fought to be a part of and would do anything to remain in. Even if that meant destroying someone elses life. A horrible twist of fate lands Chelsea at the bottom; the lowest of lows - all because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Instead of groveling at the feet of her beloved best friend, hoping to gain access back into their popularity circle, Chelsea has chosen to take a vow of silence. Deep down she knows that ultimately what she did, what she said, was the right thing - but she is also learning there is a price to pay.

There is a ton of inner dialogue through out this novel, in which the reader gets a full view of what is going on inside Chelsea's head. Though her character faltered between doing what's right, and what's socially acceptable, I still knew that she was a good person. The new friendships she found with Asha, Sam, and the rest of the crew at Rosie's diner really struck a chord with me. I think some of the best relationships come from the most unexpected places. In Chelsea's case, she would have never known these people if the events of her actions had not occurred. I really admired the honesty, yet straight forward approach both Asha and Sam took in getting to know Chelsea. They looked past the rumors and mistakes, and saw a girl who needed support.

Bullying is a subject matter which has unfortunately always existed. I think it is important to express this issue in young adult novels today to make people more aware of the situations that can occur. It's appalling at how far some things can go; how many people are aware of it and say nothing. I hope this story enlightens others to step up, be aware, and not accept any sort of bullying because they are afraid. Hannah Harrington has once again won me over with her writing.

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